
Typically occurring in both feet, brachymetatarsia is a condition characterized by a short metatarsal. The foot has five metatarsals and this condition results in one shortened toe. If more than one of the long bones of the foot is affected, it is known as brachymetapody. The causes of brachymetatarsia are genetic or situational, meaning that you can be born with it or it can be induced by premature closure in the metatarsal growth plate due to a trauma.

If you suffer from brachymetatarsia, you may find it difficult to properly balance or smoothly transfer weight across the toes when walking or running. In order to correct this problem, extra padding can be used in the shoe to protect the shorter toe from excessive friction and pressure. Orthotics may also be used to properly distribute the weight across the foot while in motion. The surgical grafting of bone to lengthen the short toe may also be an option in some cases.

If you suffer from brachymetatarsia, our podiatry professionals can help you find the right treatment option for you based on your unique situation. Contact us today to learn how we can help you regain a greater sense of balance and a smoother range of motion.

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